- 26 (Registered)
As a student, your career is ultimately in your own hands.
It is your responsibility to invest and position yourself in the best possible way to prosper.
There are two kinds of people that exist:
- Those that make things happen
- Those that let things happen to them
Which kind of person are you?
The institution you in has invested a lot of expertise, time and resources to ensure that when you qualify, you will be academically, clinically and technically well equipped.
This course however is developed to ensure you gain the following skills that will set you apart from everyone else:
- Leadership Excellence
- Catalyst Characteristics
- Business Acumen
- Going the extra mile type of behaviour
- Value Adding Work Ethic
- Incredible Attitude
- Vision
Why should you complete this course?
- You will learn skills that are invaluable that you will be able to consistently apply for the rest of your life.
- You will acquire knowledge that incorporates the different components of your industry and be able to integrate them into everyday life.
- You will be able to distinguish yourself from your colleagues because this course helps you determine your unique value proposition.
Course Content
Module 1 – Healthcare Defined | Course 1 – Industry Information In Module 1 we help the students get a detailed understanding of the key fundamentals involved in Healthcare success when they enter the market place. Course 1 – Industry Information Course 2 – Value Added Services Course 3 – Ideal Healthcare Practice
What you need to know about the industry as an employee
What kind of working environments exist
Where Healthcare is at the moment
Where do you fit in at the moment?
Careers in Healthcare
Module 1 – Healthcare Defined | Course 2 – Value Added Services
What are the different kinds of value added services
What is value all about and what role does it play in Healthcare
How do you build value in what you are offering as a service?
How to distinguish yourself and business you work in into a strong value adding brand
Module 1 – Healthcare Defined | Course 3 – Ideal Healthcare Practice
The different kinds of practices that exist
How to excel in each type of practice
What are the challenges and opportunities in each type of practice?
How to be a market leader within the type of practice you work in
Module 2 – Business Profiling | Course 1 - Analysis In Module two we focus the teaching on how business concepts and impact areas every practice deals with daily. Course 1 - Analysis Course 2 – Activity planning Course 3 – Business Relationships
Employee Characteristics
Consumer Profiling
Business development questions
Module 2 – Business Profiling | Course 2 – Activity planning
The Pareto principle in Healthcare
Restructuring the operational and strategic components of the business
How to rebuild for excellence and keeping the momentum going
Module 2 – Business Profiling | Course 3 – Business Relationships
Communication pearls
Demystifying cultural, religious and financial stereotypes
Understanding the different types of people you deal with on a daily basis within the practice.
Module 3 – Establishing Yourself in Your New Work Environment | Course 1 – Situational Examples In Module 3 we help the students to identify various ways in which they can establish and positioning themselves within the work space. Course 1 – Situational Examples Course 2 – Team Work Course 3 – Leadership
What are the daily norms the practice deals with?
How the different phases of Healthcare interact with each other
Dealing with the misconceptions of Healthcare
Module 3 – Establishing Yourself in Your New Work Environment | Course 2 – Team Work
The role of staff in building an extraordinary business
Is this the right place for you?
Winning teams
Module 3 – Establishing Yourself in Your New Work Environment | Course 3 – Leadership
The Leadership Team
Overcoming the different challenges within the practice
The people opportunity
Module 4 – There is more to Healthcare than just your academic and clinical knowledge | Course 1 – Standard of Practice Many practices rely on outdated promotional activities and manipulative techniques to ensure sales within their businesses. However practices are still struggling to increase their revenue, let alone thrive during these economic times we live in. Course 1 – Standard of Practice Course 2 – Problem Solving Course 3 – Store Experience and Process Outline
What are the governing principles of service delivery?
How does service delivery impact sales in a practice
How can increased service delivery set your business apart?
What are the different ways in which a practice can distinguish itself as an excellent practice when it comes to service delivery?
Module 4 – There is more to Healthcare than just your academic and clinical knowledge | Course 2 – Problem Solving
What are the different types of problems that arise in a practice and how to manage them?
How to efficiently and effectively excel in problem solving
How can a practice still manage to grow and thrive in the midst of various problems that may arise?
Module 4 – There is more to Healthcare than just your academic and clinical knowledge | Course 3 – Store Experience and Process Outline
What the consumer experience is all about
The different ways in which your practice can add value to every person that walks in to the practice
How to make each person feel like they are the most important individual to have walked into the practice
What are the behavioural challenges and opportunities that exits
The course is very insightful, many practitioners focus on just the academic and clinical components of optometric practice, neglecting the business component. this course does a good job of addressing this problem and creating a workable balance to ensure the growth and sustainability of the practice.